Title: Timing new pulsars

Description: I discovered a new pulsar now what?. In this hands-on tutorial I will show how to start timing a new pulsar to reach a phase connected solution.

Requirements: access to machine where singularity is installed, example: numerix, miraculix. The singularity images to be used are contained in /homes/mscruces/singularity. To set up everything just source setup_env.sh which is contained in that directory.

source /homes/mscruces/singularity/setup_env.sh

To test that everything is working run for instance :

pam -h
show_pfd -h

if all the previous leads you to a help message then you are good to go tomorrow.

talksposters/2020_tutorials/th03.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/22 17:48 by mscruces     Back to top