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The PSRIX/PSRIX2 instruments are based on the ROACH boards, which are designed and developed by the CASPER consortium. These bare boards were turned in to pulsar instruments with firmware developed in-house, additional network switches and a small cluster of high performance computers. This configuration has resulted in a versatile infrastructure that enables the Effelsberg 100-m to observe pulsars over a wide range of radio frequencies. The instrument is designed to generate the three different types of data products (baseband, search mode and folded pulsar profiles) normally encountered in pulsar observations.

The PSRIX generates the three types of data with a maximum bandwidth of 500 MHz. The PSRIX2 generates predominantly search mode data up to a bandwidth 8 GHz.

 An overview of the PSRIX and PSRIX2 instruments

pulsarinstruments/psrix_psrix2/index.1562326693.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/05 13:38 by ramesh     Back to top