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MeerKAT S band receiver commissioning (public part)

This area is for notes and results on the receiver commissioning. The namespace projects:mkat_sband is private to the MPIfR, the subspace projects:mkat__sband:pub has public read access.

Links and external info

SARAO google drive S band


Subband identifiers


All in MHz:

name centre range
S0 2187.50 1750.00 - 2625.00
S1 2406.25 1968.75 - 2843.75
S2 2625.00 2187.50 - 3062.50
S3 2843.75 2406.25 - 3281.25
S4 3062.50 2625.00 - 3500.00

Please note that these are the total band ranges, the usable range is smaller. See description of the decimation filters for details.


A discussion of the digital decimation filters can be found here.

Phased array/pulsar mode


Imaging/correlator mode

Data sets

List of data sets (automatically created with

The data sets can be found in /fpra/polmag/01/MK_S_BAND_COM/MS/, some have copies (also of variants) in /media/storage_1/wucknitz/MEERKAT. Own conversion to MS via have their capture block number as directory name, ones via the archive have e.g.


We determine delays and phases with fringe-fitting (click for details) per baseline. After calibrating the phases per baseline, we can measure the SNR (click for details) per baseline and channel and try to separate the baseline values to obtain station-based parameters. A similar approach is used for the bandpass (amplitude and phase, click for details).


Collected SEFD and bandpass information

For a quick overview of the performance of all antennas, we provide curves for all antennas from relevant observations over all available subbands (sorted by observation id).

The first set of plots is meant to represent the latest measurements. These are currently the final SEFD measurements of 2022-11-19 at high elevations:

PDF with SEFD curves
PDF with bandpass curves
PDF with bandpass curves, amplitude corrected for digital decimation filter for a better comparison
PDF with SEFD and bandpass curves (dB)
PDF with SEFD and bandpass curves (dB), amplitude corrected for digital decimation filter for a better comparison

Note that the scales for some antennas are treated specially here for the moment, because the SEFD and bandpass phases are not in normal ranges.

The filter-corrected bandpass curves can be used to see how consistent the bandpass is between observations in different subband modes. This is possible because of a large overlap between the bands.

In order to study the differences between the two polarisations, we also provide plots of the logarithm of the radio pol0/pol1 for bandpass (signal, green), noise (SEFD, yellow) and signal-to-noise (red):

Ratio pol0/pol1 of signal, noise and signal/noise

Different signal levels for the two polarisation can move the green and yellow curves up or down together but would not affect the red one.

The following plots include all observations, which makes very large and difficult to view. These are mainly good for historical purposes:

PDF with SEFD curves
PDF with bandpass curves (linear)
PDF with bandpass curves (linear), amplitude corrected for digital decimation filter for a better comparison
PDF with SEFD and bandpass curves (dB)
PDF with SEFD and bandpass curves (dB), amplitude corrected for digital decimation filter for a better comparison

Here are the corresponding plots of the logarithm of the radio pol0/pol1 for bandpass (signal, green), noise (SEFD, yellow) and signal-to-noise (red):

Ratio pol0/pol1 of signal, noise and signal/noise (all obs)

A comparison of old and new decimation filters can be found here.

Status of receivers (from interferometric data)

Receiver status (table at MPIfR)
new receiver status table (MPIfR)
Pieter Kotze's receiver status table

These are just rought numbers taken from the plots (only at the best frequencies):

ant best SEFD pol 0/1 [Jy] batch notes
m000 400/420 1
m001 390/400 2
m002 390/440 1
m003 410 1
m004 400 1
m005 400/490 1
m006 390/440 1
m007 420 pre-prod
m008 (450) replaced not included in last observation
m009 410 3
m010 400/410 3
m011 380/400 1
m012 400/470 2
m013 400 2
m014 400 3
m015 430/450 3 second pol huge variations with freq
m016 400 2
m017 430/450 3
m018 420 2
m019 390/450 3
m020 390/450 3
m021 400 1
m022 400/490 2
m023 380/420 2
m024 400/410 4
m025 380/410 3
m026 390/400 3
m027 400/390 2
m028 370/420 4
m029 420/440 4
m030 400/420 1
m031 >3000 3 was 430 earlier
m032 420/390 3
m033 390/400 3
m034 450/530 3
m035 400 3
m036 390/380 3
m037 390/400 4
m038 (400/420) 2 not included in last observation
m039 4
m040 380/430 4
m041 390/440 4
m042 420/430 4
m043 400 1
m044 450 4
m045 400/410 1
m046 440/460 4
m047 410/420 4
m048 400/380 2
m049 430/420 1
m050 370/390 2
m051 400/440 4
m052 4
m053 400 1
m054 380 2
m055 400/420 4
m056 420 1
m057 380/400 1
m058 400 4
m059 370/400 2
m060 400/430 1
m061 410/400 2
m062 420/410 2 first polarisation strange variations with frequency
m063 400 2

Total good: 54, minor issues: 7, bad: 1, no signal yet: 2

Noise variations

projects/mkat_sband/pub/start.1669207974.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/23 13:52 by wucknitz     Back to top