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IRAM 30m Observations


A ROACH2 board, RaspberryPi and a 1U rack-mounted computer together make up the hardware for the upcoming Pico Velata observations. The set up is currently housed in the Digital lab. The ROACH2 board will generate a few 16 MHz base bands, and one of these bands will be recorded on the computer. A RaspberryPi is there to programatically control the sampling clock of ADC. The computer will also allow us to process and plot the data from the broadband continuum backend (BBC)

The computer has four network interfaces:

  1. eth0 - bound to an ip-address through DHCP
  2. eth1 - bound to + ROACH2 ( + RaspberryPi (
  3. eth2/3 - 10GbE interfaces that receive data from the ROACH2 board

Software/OS setup on the computer:

  • Runs Debian Squeeze, and only user pulsar can log in.
  • Machine is assigned an ip of via DHCP
  • packages installed: dspsr, psrchive, fftw, cfitsio, sigproc, gsl
  • Software packages are built under /data1/dump/build and installed in /home/pulsar/linux
Pico Velata
  • Machine to get IP via DHCP (check NTP server as well)
  • Check

Test observations

Pulsar B2021+51 and B0355+54 were observed as a preparation to the actual magnetar observations at the IRAM 30m.

PSR B2021+51
  • Start time: 2014-06-11-23:14:50
  • Duration : 5402 seconds


  • Time series shows variations - weather perhaps? Distribution looks weird as well.
  • Folding with dspsr
  • periodicity search before and after de-baselining
PSR B0355+54
  • Start time:
  • Duration :

Notes & Plots

Unclipped and un-baselined timeseries data. Seems to be only minor red-noise effects. Large bursts should be clipped:

To test if red-noise is having a big influence on the power in the timeseries, performed FFTs of both the un-baselined data and baselined data. As can be seen there is only a moderate red-noise component in file0:

projects/iram_obs.1405676579.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/18 11:42 by reatough     Back to top