Obsinp Script changes for New Control system

The telescope observing interface has been updated to observe with new wide band high frequency receivers. This version of the control interface is referred as the New Control System by the Effelsberg team. Below are some details on the changes required in the current observing scripts.

Note that the receivers can also be set up manually as usual. The pull-down menu that displays various receiver versions appears with newer labels. See screenshots towards the end of this page.

Snippet from old control system

Refer to the obsinp script snippet below. The only change is in the line that refers to the receiver, e.g FE:S60mm : VERn 2. Here VERn refers to receiver version, and this replaced by a descriptive string in the new control system. In the obsinp graphical interface, the new descriptive string is visible in the pull-down list for each receiver.

FE:S60mm ; VERn 2 ; Frequency 4.850 ; SideBand Upper ; Init 1
1745-2900-ON_R ; CoordinateSystem Equatorial ; Equinox J2000 ; SCANTime 60 ; ObjectLongitude 17 45 40.19 s ; ObjectLatitude -29 00 30.37 " ; LatOff 0.0 ; LonOff 0.0 ; PMODE CalFE
1745-2900_S ; CoordinateSystem Equatorial ; Equinox J2000 ; SCANTime 60 ; ObjectLongitude 17 45 40.19 s ; ObjectLatitude -29 00 30.37 " ; LatOff 0.0 ; LonOff 0.0 ; PMODE Search
#### S36
FE:S36mm ; VERn 5 ; Frequency 8.350 ; SideBand Upper ; Init 1
1745-2900-ON_R ; CoordinateSystem Equatorial ; Equinox J2000 ; SCANTime 60 ; ObjectLongitude 17 45 40.19 s ; ObjectLatitude -29 00 30.37 " ; LatOff 0.0 ; LonOff 0.0 ; PMODE CalFE
1745-2900_S ; CoordinateSystem Equatorial ; Equinox J2000 ; SCANTime 60 ; ObjectLongitude 17 45 40.19 s ; ObjectLatitude -29 00 30.37 " ; LatOff 0.0 ; LonOff 0.0 ; PMODE Search

Refer to the table below on the precise changes for various receivers.

For Timing/Search observations with PSRIX1 (a.k.a ROACH1)

PSRIX1 can process a maximum of 500MHz and is used with P217/P200/S110 receivers. In the list below, only S60/S45/S36 can generate bandwidths >= 500MHz.

Receiver OLD NEW Remarks
P217 (7-BEAM) FE:P217mm ; VERn 6 ; Frequency 1.36 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 FE: P217mm ; pulsar_ROACH1 ; Frequency 1.36 PSRIX/PFFTS
FE:P217mm ; VERn 6 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 FE: P217mm ; pulsar_ROACH1 ; Frequency 1.362 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 PSRIX LEAP observations
P200 FE:P200mm ; VERn 3 ; Frequency 1.36 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 FE:P210mm ; pulsar ; Frequency 1.360 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 PSRIX 21cm obs
P180 FE:P200mm ; VERn 4 ; Frequency 1.64 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 FE:P180mm ; pulsar ; Frequency 1.660 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 PSRIX 18cm obs
S110 FE:S110mm ; VERn 1 ; Frequency 2.6395 ; SideBand Upper FE:S110mm ; pulsar_Sband ; Frequency 2.550 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 PSRIX 11cm
S60 FE:S60mm ; VERn 2 ; Frequency 4.85 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 FE:S60mm ; pulsar_Cband ; Frequency 4.850 ; SideBand Upper ; Horn 0 PSRIX 6cm + PFFTS
S45 FE:S45mm ; VERn 1 ; Init 1 FE:S45mm ; pulsar_wideCband ; Frequency 6.0 PSRIX - 4.5-5.0GHz (use line pointing)
S45 was not in use FE:S45mm ; pulsar_wideXband ; Frequency 7.3 PSRIX - 5.8-6.3GHz (use line pointing)
S36 FE:S36mm ; VERn 5 ; Frequency 8.350 ; SideBand Upper FE:S36mm ; pulsar_Xband ; Frequency 8.350 ; SideBand Upper PSRIX 3.6mm
S36 was not in use FE:S36mm ; pulsar_Xband1G ; Frequency 8.550 ; SideBand Upper do not use - PSRIX cannot handle

For the PSRIX2 Instrument

PSRIX2 will process a maximum of 8GHz (4GHz at the moment, and 4 more by Jan 2021). For S14/S7, two beams of 4GHz each are processed.

Receiver OLD NEW Remarks
S45 was not in use FE:S45mm ; pulsar_wide_Cband ; Frequency 6.0 CX - 4-8GHz (request line pointing)
S45 was not in use FE:S45mm ; pulsar_wide_Xband ; Frequency 7.3 CX - 5.3-9.3GHz (request line pointing)
S20 was not in use FE:S20mm ; pulsar_dualbeam ; Frequency 15.5 Ku-Band (beam 0) 13-18GHz w/ 1GHz gap in the middle
Ku-Band (beam 1) 13-18GHz w/ 1GHz gap in the middle
S14 was not in use FE:S14mm ; pulsar_dualbeam ; Frequency 22.0 18-26 GHz (8GHz) to 4xROACH2
S14 was not in use FE:S14mm ; pulsar_19.25GHz_BW2GHz ; Frequency 19.25 18-20GHz (2GHz) to a ROACH2
S7 was not in use FE:S7mm ; pulsar_dualbeam ; Frequency 35.5 ; 33-38 GHz (beam 0). 1GHz gap in the middle
33-38 GHz (beam 1). 1GHz gap int he middle

Representative screenshots

 Screenshot of the receiver setup

observations/newcs.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/29 15:37 by ramesh     Back to top