The PSRIX2 System

For pulsar observations with the C+/K/Qu band receivers, the 4 or 8GHz outputs are processed using the wideband ADCs and the ROACH2 in 2GHz basebands. In addition the 7Beam signals can be processed by this system to generate a 512-channel full Stokes output down to 50μs. Refer to the figure below to get an overview of the system set up.

PSRIX2 Block Diagram

 The ROACH2 board

To handle a total of 8GHz bandwidth, the PSRIX2 system makes use of 4x ROACH2 boards, a gain control and an ADC calibration unit. All of these systems have their own RaspBerry Pi controls and can be accessed either as pulsar@asterix or as spobs@uptotrix machines. Details on controlling the ROACH2 clocks, and the ADC Cals are listed separately.