FRB Applications and Tools Catalog

FRBs as Astrophysical Tools

  1. Historical Papers
  2. Missing baryons / investigation of WHIM from FRB extragalactic DMs / feedback
  3. LSS/Cosmography
  4. CGM of intersected galaxies
  5. Milky Way halo
  6. Hubble constant
  7. Cosmological parameters
  8. Compine with SZ-effect
  9. Epoch of reionization
  10. Helium reionization
  11. IGM magnetic fields
  12. Lensing H_0 and curvature/ DE EoS via strongly lensed FRBs
  13. MACHO abundancy via microlensing
  14. Constraints on the Photon Mass
  15. Testing Einstein's Equivalence Principle(s) (First one assumes FRB/GRB association)
  16. Constraining Fundamental Constants
  17. Dark photon dark matter
  18. Cosmic anisotropy
  19. Swampland & H_0 tension
  20. Constraint on the equation of state of nuclear matter, if observed with a GW from BNS merger
  21. Probe turbulent properties
  22. Others
  23. Application comparison
  24. Reviews and white papers
  1. not an application (Simulation of IGM structure influence)
  2. Probe of FRB environment

Methods applied: