Below are some posters and presentations prepared by members of the group: ^ Date ^ Presenter ^ Subject ^ File ^ Type ^ | 10.04.2017 | Ewan | Docker | {{:projects:dockerintro.pdf|Introduction to Docker}} | Monday morning talk | | 02.03.2011 | Joris | PTAs | {{:media:verbiest02march2011.pdf|MPIfR Lunch talk 02 March 2011}} | MPIfR Lunch talk | | 17.12.2010 | Lucas | Munich workshop | {{:media:101217_lg_munich.pdf|Pulsars with Fermi}} | Presentation | | 07.12.2010 | Lucas | Texas Symposium 2010 | {{:media:101207_lg_texassymposium.pdf|Pulsars with Fermi}} | Presentation | | 14.10.2010 | Lucas | Pulsar conference 2010 | {{:media:101014_lg_pulsarconference.pdf|Multiwavelength observations of 4 MSPs}} | Presentation | | 14.10.2010 | Lucas | Pulsar conference 2010 | {{:media:lg_pulsar2010.pdf|Multiwavelength observations of 4 MSPs}} | Proceedings | | 30.08.2010 | Marcel Kehl| MSP Galactic motion | {{:media:galorb.pdf|Galactic Orbits}} | Presentation | | 05.05.2010 | Lucas | High Time Resolution Astronomy workshop | {{:media:100505_lg_htra_crete.pdf|HTRA observations of gamma-ray MSPs}} | Presentation | | 05.05.2010 | Lucas | High Time Resolution Astronomy workshop | {{:media:lg_htra_proceedings.pdf| HTRA observations of gamma-ray MSPs}} | Proceedings | | 10.03.2010 | Ramesh | Fachbeirat::Instrumentation | {{:media:fb_pulsarinstrumentation_v1.pdf|Pulsar Instrumentation}} | Poster | | 26.02.2010 | Lucas | Fachbeirat | {{:media:100226_fachbeirat_lg.pdf|Pulsars with Fermi}} | Poster | ======Fundis tutorials====== ^Year^ | [[talksposters:2019_tutorials|2019]] | | [[talksposters:2020_tutorials|2020]] | | [[talksposters:2021_tutorials|2021]] | | [[talksposters:2023_tutorials|2023]] | ====== Single pulse searching ====== [[talksposters:SPsearch|Single pulse search tutorial]]