======Fundis tutorials January 20-24th, 2020====== PROGRAM: Monday 04th \\ //Place: 3.25//\\ \\ * 11:00 - 12:00 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:M01|Pulsars in a nutshell]]** by Michael Kramer * 12:00 - 13:00 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:M02|How to use Docker and Singularity]]** by Henning Hilmarsson \\ \\ Tuesday 05th \\ //Place: 3.25//\\ \\ * 10:00 - 10:40 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:Tu01 |Useful python packages]]** by Eleni Graikou * 10:50 - 11:50 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:Tu02 |SQL databases]]** by Prajwal Voraganti * 12:00 - 13:00 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:Tu03|Pulsar emission physics]]** by Michael Kramer \\ \\ Wednesday 06th \\ //Place: 0.01//\\ \\ * 10:40 - 11:40 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:W01 |RFI mitigation]]** by Charlie Walker * 11:50 - 12:50 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:W02 |When and how to use GPUs]]** by Ewan Barr \\ \\ Thursday 07th \\ //Place: 3.25//\\ \\ * 09:30 - 10:30 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:Th01 |Gravitational Waves: Sources near and far]]** by Ue-Li Pen * 10:40 - 11:40 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:Th02 |Mass measurements and tests of general relativity with binary pulsars]]** by Paulo Freire * 11:50 - 12:50 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:Th03 |Timing new pulsars]]** by Marilyn Cruces \\ \\ Friday 08th \\ //Place: 3.25//\\ \\ * 10:00 - 11:00 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:F01 |FRBs in a nutshell]]** by Laura Spitler * 11:10 - 12:00 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:F02 | Getting information from your data. Non-parametric and parametric analysis]]** by Natalya Porayko * 12:00 - 12:50 **[[talksposters:2020_tutorials:F03 |Non-detection analysis]]** by Tilemachos Athanasiadis \\ \\ Organiser: Marilyn Cruces