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-  * [[projects |Current Projects]]+  * [[start Home]]
-  * [[computing | Computing]] +  * [[projects:index |Current Projects]]
-     * [[computing:gitstuff:index|The MPIfR GIT Server]] +
-     * [[computing:computerlist|List of computers in the krall/wiall group]] +
-     * [[computing:bonncomputing|Computing resources at MPIfR Bonn]] +
-     * [[computing:effelsbergcomputing|Effelsberg Computing]] +
-     * [[computing:ipmidetails|IPMI Details]] +
-     * [[computing:judge_pipeline|JUDGE pipeline]] +
-     * [[computing:survey_processing|Survey Processing]] +
-     * [[computing:panoramix_processing|Quick guide to Panoramix fast pulsar pipeline]] +
-     * [[computing:taping|Taping procedure in Effelsberg]] +
-     * [[computing:psrfb_disk_change|PSRFB Disk changes]] +
-     * [[computing:psrfb_disk_change_admin|PSRFB Admin]] +
-     * [[computing:restricted|Admin page]] +
-     * [[computing:videoconf|Pulsar Group Video Conference]]+
-  * [[observations| observations]]+  * [[computing:index Computing]] 
 +  * [[observations:index| EFF Observations]] 
 +  * [[pulsarinstruments:index|Pulsar Instruments]] 
-  * [[TalksPosters | Talks/Posters]]+  * [[TalksPosters:index | Talks/Tutorials/Posters]]
-  * [[wiki|Wiki Help]] +  * [[journalclub:index|Journal Club]] 
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-  * [[pulsarinstruments|Pulsar Instruments]]+  * [[:public:index Public ]]
topbar.1409818461.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/04 10:14 by ramesh     Back to top