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talksposters:2020_tutorials:w02 [2020/01/17 16:51]
mscruces created
talksposters:2020_tutorials:w02 [2020/01/23 14:37] (current)
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-**Title:** When and how to use GPUs+**Title:** When and how to use GPUs\\
 \\ \\
 **Description:**This tutorial will cover the basics of GPUs: architecture (what is it and what is it good for?), coding/compiling (how do I use one?) and tooling (how can I make this easy?)\\ **Description:**This tutorial will cover the basics of GPUs: architecture (what is it and what is it good for?), coding/compiling (how do I use one?) and tooling (how can I make this easy?)\\
 \\ \\
-**Requirements:** people will need to be able to access Numerix0. I have built singularity image on the machine that will be all that is needed from the software side.\\+**Requirements:** Access to Numerix0 and laptop connected to the MPIfR network.\\ 
 +  * This tutorial will be mostly hands on (mostly following an existing tutorial found [[https://cuda-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|here]]), so please bring your laptops. 
 +  * Please check that you have access to Numerix0 before the tutorial.  
 +  * Material for the tutorial (including Dockerfile and Singularity image) can be found at ''numerix0:/media/scratch/gpu-tutorial''. 
 +  * It is recommended to add the CUDA directory to your PATH (e.g. ''export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda/bin/'') 
 +Tutorial slides: {{:media:gpu_tutorial.pdf| When and how to use GPUs}} 
talksposters/2020_tutorials/w02.1579276302.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/17 16:51 by mscruces     Back to top