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 ====== Fundamental Physics in Radio Astronomy ====== ====== Fundamental Physics in Radio Astronomy ======
-This is the __F__undamental __P__hysics in __R__adio __A__stronomy (FPRA) group's Wiki. The main activities of the groups are in the fields of neutron stars/pulsars, tests of gravitational field theories, cosmic magnetism+This is the __F__undamental __P__hysics in __R__adio __A__stronomy (FPRA) group's Wiki. 
-Please click on topic on the left of this page to proceed further.+Main topics are listed above on this page. Relevant sections under each topic are listed on the top left corner of page.
 ===== This Wiki ===== ===== This Wiki =====
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 If you need an access to these wiki pages, please email ramesh@mpifr.de. If you need an access to these wiki pages, please email ramesh@mpifr.de.
-Here are some topics interesting to our group.  
-[[projects |Current Projects]] 
-[[computing | Computing]] 
-[[observations| Effelsberg observations]] 
-[[TalksPosters | Talks and Posters]] 
start.1409739152.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/03 12:12 by ramesh     Back to top