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pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2:index [2019/07/05 13:33]
pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2:index [2020/06/26 13:57] (current)
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 The [[pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2:psrix:index|PSRIX]] generates the three types of data with a maximum bandwidth of 500 MHz. The  [[pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2:psrix2:index|PSRIX2]] generates predominantly search mode data up to a bandwidth 8 GHz. The [[pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2:psrix:index|PSRIX]] generates the three types of data with a maximum bandwidth of 500 MHz. The  [[pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2:psrix2:index|PSRIX2]] generates predominantly search mode data up to a bandwidth 8 GHz.
-{{ :pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2.png?500| An overview of the PSRIX and PSRIX2 instruments}}+{{ :pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2.png?500 | An overview of the PSRIX and PSRIX2 instruments}}
 +===== Instrument Status =====
 +  * The [[pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2:psrix:status|PSRIX System Status]] 
 +  * The [[pulsarinstruments:psrix_psrix2:psrix2:status|PSRIX2 System status]]  
pulsarinstruments/psrix_psrix2/index.1562326390.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/05 13:33 by ramesh     Back to top