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projects:mkat_sband:pub:bandpass [2020/11/05 17:00]
projects:mkat_sband:pub:bandpass [2020/11/09 10:18] (current)
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 ====== Bandpass ====== ====== Bandpass ======
-The baseline bandpasses can be measured after calibration by averaging the complex visibilities over time. We reduce them to station-based values with full complex fits per frequency and polarisation. The phases for all stations per frequency and pol are shifted to minimise the phase variations. This approach is preferred instead of the more common use of a reference antenna.+The baseline bandpasses can be measured after (phase-only) calibration by averaging the complex visibilities over time and dividing by the source flux per frequency channel. We reduce them to station-based values with full complex fits per frequency and polarisation. The phases for all stations per frequency and pol are shifted to minimise the phase variations. This approach is preferred instead of the more common use of a reference antenna.
 Note that there is a degeneracy between some calibration parameters and the bandpass. Because the calibration is performed after applying a guess for the bandpass, phases, delays and curvatures can end up partly in the calibration parameters and partly in the bandpass. Note that there is a degeneracy between some calibration parameters and the bandpass. Because the calibration is performed after applying a guess for the bandpass, phases, delays and curvatures can end up partly in the calibration parameters and partly in the bandpass.
projects/mkat_sband/pub/bandpass.1604592027.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/05 17:00 by wucknitz     Back to top