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projects:jupiter:intercont-2024-03-04 [2024/03/05 13:51]
wucknitz created
projects:jupiter:intercont-2024-03-04 [2024/03/05 13:55] (current)
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-[[projects:jupiter:intercont-2023-12-27|====== Observations 2024-03-04 18:30-20:30 UTC ======+====== Observations 2024-03-04 18:30-20:30 UTC ======
 The same setup as for [[projects:jupiter:intercont-2023-12-27|2023-12-27]] (but with different pointing position) was used. The same setup as for [[projects:jupiter:intercont-2023-12-27|2023-12-27]] (but with different pointing position) was used.
 For the people involved in observations of individual stations see there. For the people involved in observations of individual stations see there.
 +In addition to international LOFAR stations, NenuFAR and the LWA we also have the LOFAR2 test station (as commissioning experiment) and a couple of Dutch RS stations (project DDT20_007).
Line 13: Line 15:
 Here are beamlet statistics (dynamic spectrum) from BST files: \\ Here are beamlet statistics (dynamic spectrum) from BST files: \\
-{{:projects:jupiter:kpw_a.png?direct&300|KAIRA BST plot}}+{{:projects:jupiter:kpw_a.png?direct&500|KAIRA BST plot}}
 There was auroral activity during the observations, which became even stronger a bit later: \\ There was auroral activity during the observations, which became even stronger a bit later: \\
 {{:projects:jupiter:kaira_fmi_asc_20240304b.png?direct&300|autora at KAIRA}} {{:projects:jupiter:kaira_fmi_asc_20240304b.png?direct&300|autora at KAIRA}}
 +Plots provided by Derek McKay.
Line 22: Line 26:
 Beamlet statistics (dynamic spectra for XX and YY) from NenuFAR are here: \\ Beamlet statistics (dynamic spectra for XX and YY) from NenuFAR are here: \\
-{{:projects:jupiter:capture_d_e_cran_2024-03-05_a_09.24.09.png?direct&300|NenuFAR BST plots}}+{{:projects:jupiter:capture_d_e_cran_2024-03-05_a_09.24.09.png?direct&500|NenuFAR BST plots}}
Line 34: Line 38:
 The LOFAR2 test station produced these dynamic spectra:\\ The LOFAR2 test station produced these dynamic spectra:\\
-{{:projects:jupiter:jupiter.png?direct&300|LOFAR2 test station BST plot}}+{{:projects:jupiter:jupiter.png?direct&500|LOFAR2 test station BST plot}}
 +**People involved: Cees Bassa**
projects/jupiter/intercont-2024-03-04.1709643076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/05 13:51 by wucknitz     Back to top