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projects:iram_obs [2014/07/18 11:12]
projects:iram_obs [2014/07/23 13:14] (current)
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 ====== IRAM 30m Observations ====== ====== IRAM 30m Observations ======
 +Observations log here: [[https://tapas.iram.es/tapas/]]  -> Tab "My Projects"
 ==== Hardware ==== ==== Hardware ====
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 **Notes & Plots** **Notes & Plots**
-*Unclipped and un-baselined data*+Unclipped and un-baselined timeseries data. Seems to be only minor red-noise effects. Large bursts should be clipped:\\  
 {{:projects:0355_54_timseries_noclip_nobase_crop.jpeg?200 |}} {{:projects:0355_54_timseries_noclip_nobase_crop.jpeg?200 |}}
 +To test if red-noise is having a big influence on the power in the timeseries, performed FFTs of both the un-baselined data and baselined data. As can be seen there is only a moderate red-noise component in file0:\\   
 +{{:projects:file0_nobase_noclip_dm0_00.spc.jpg?200 |}}
 +{{:projects:file0_noclip_dm0_00.spc.jpg?200 |}}
projects/iram_obs.1405674779.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/18 11:12 by reatough     Back to top